Pure Blood : A Penetration Testing Framework for Termux

Pure Blood

Pure Blood is A Penetration Testing Framework created for Hackers/ Pentester / Bug Hunter. Imagine you’re a friendly spy trying to help make sure a castle is super secure. A penetration testing framework is like your special spy kit with different tools to find and fix any weak spots in the castle walls. It helps you play the “bad guy” to see where the castle might be vulnerable. 🏰

What you can do with Pure Blood ?


Step : 1

First of you need to download termux application for install this information gathering tool. if you have already installed in your device then skip this step.

you can checkout “What is Termux ?” post there you will get basic information about what is termux and how its work and also you will get download link of latest version so please click below link and download it.

Step : 2

					apt update -y && apt upgrade -y&& pkg install git python2 -y&& git clone https://github.com/johnjohnsp1/pureblood && cd pureblood && pip install -r requirements.txt && python pureblood.py

Open the Termux app, paste the given command, and press enter. Ensure a stable internet connection for a faster installation process. 

above one line command save your time and make automatic install Pure Blood in termux ! you can refer to the attached screenshot for guidance on how it should appear after pasting the command.

Successfully installed pureblood in termux there is two main option web pentest and generator.

we want to do web pentest so just press 1 and hit enter.

first you need to set target so type 95 then submit your own site domain name as target then you can choose any option from menu.

we have addedd our site domain as target then it gives whois record of our site by choosing 2 option.

Step : 3 (ReconDog Example)

Installation done in just 2 steps but this step is optional if you want to run again after sometime or you just closed termux and want to again run ReconDog in termux then you need to follow below steps..

this method is working same for every tools or script just you need to understand that script written in which programming language.


ls command shows available folders and files in working directory. when you open termux by default directory is $HOME (/data/data/com.termux/files/home).


pwd command show current working directory path so you can use this command anywhere in termux if you don’t know you are in which folder.

after typing ls command in termux you will get list of all available tools or scripts in our case we have ReconDog named folder present in $HOME folder so now next step is open or enter into ReconDog folder.

for access or enter specific folder we used cd command means change directory so our command is :

					cd ReconDog

after this command we have successfully entered in the ReconDog folder. make sure name of folder matched with ReconDog, if you write something like this cd reconDog or cd recondog it will not works because its case-sensitive so if folder name written in small then you need to give name in small letter after cd.

now you don’t know which files present in ReconDog folder so you need to type ls command again for looking which files and folder there.

in our case there is LICENSE, dog, requirements.txt, README.md files and core and plugins folder.

there is our main script is dog written in python language. if there is file extenstion after name like dog.py then you need to try to run this script using python or python2 command like : 

					python dog

if file is written in bash or shell then there is sh extension after file name like dog.sh you can run this script by below command :

$ bash dog.sh

$ sh dog.sh

$ ./dog.sh

you can run bash/shell script using multiple way mostly used ./ and bash command for running shell script.

if file is written in php or go language then you can find out by extenstion name after filename like dog.php or dog.go

you can run php file by “php dog.php” command same you can use go “go dog.go”.

i hope your query solved regarding how you can run script again after close termux app. there is simple methodology first you need to open that folder in termux then you need to find main script and run accordingly file programming language if file extension is .py then you need to run in python if .sh then use bash or ./ same like other language.

this method is used to run any installed tools in termux. if you are facing any issue then please comment down your query.

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