BruteWeb is Powerful Admin Pannel Bruteforcer Tool for Termux.
A brute force attack is a method of trying to gain unauthorized access to a system, network, or account by systematically trying all possible combinations of passwords or encryption keys until the correct one is found.
If you don’t know how bruteforce method works just Imagine a robot trying every possible combination of passwords until it finds the correct one. This process can take a long time, especially if the password is complicated.
Example : If your password is “1234,” a brute force attack would try all possible combinations like “0000,” “0001,” “0002,” and so on until it gets to “1234.”
same above method works in Bruteweb it will check one by one password which are stored in pass.txt file. this method is called bruteforce attack and we are doing for website so this tool name is similiar to his job !
this process takes so much time and there is no guarantee but in some cases there is default password so its depends on luck 😉
Table of Contents :
Features :
- Powerful and Faster
- 1k+ Default Password List
Language :
Author Info :
Name :
About :
Github :
Step : 1
First of you need to download termux application for install this information gathering tool. if you have already installed in your device then skip this step.
you can checkout “What is Termux ?” post there you will get basic information about what is termux and how its work and also you will get download link of latest version so please click below link and download it.
Step : 2
apt update -y && apt upgrade -y&& pkg install git python2 -y&& git clone && cd Bruteweb && python2 Bruteweb
Open the Termux app, paste the given command, and press enter. Ensure a stable internet connection for a faster installation process.
above one line command save your time and make automatic install BruteWeb in termux ! you can refer to the attached screenshot for guidance on how it should appear after pasting the command.

Successfully installed Admin Pannel Bruteforcer in termux ! so now you need to pass some parameters to bruteforce file.
paste below command in termux and replace domain name with your own domain name or which you want to bruteforce.
you can check pass.txt file in same directory by typing ls command. this is default password list file used in bruteforce attack.
python2 Bruteweb admin pass.txt

After entering above command this script start checking one by one password through bruteforce method, believe me this is so faster !

If you’re having any issues or need help troubleshooting, drop a comment below💬. We’re here to assist and get you sorted ASAP! 👨💻
Thanks for Reading ♥