Dark Army
Dark Army is Powerful Penetration Testing framework tool it is set of tools and processes designed to find and fix security vulnerabilities in computer systems.
we can scanning, probing and exploring vulnerability using Dark Army Framework.
Dark Army is all in one tool for pentester who are interested in finding bug or learning cyber security.
Table of Contents :
Features :
- Information Gathering
- Password Attacks
- Wireless Testing
- Exploitation Tools
- Social Engineering
- Web Hacking
- DDOS Tools
- Remote Administrator Tools (RAT)
- Bug Bounty Tools
- DarkArmy Tools
- 1ucif3r's Tools
- and Much More...
Language :
Author Info :
Name :
About :
We are D4RK4RMY.
Github :
Step : 1
First of you need to download termux application for install this information gathering tool. if you have already installed in your device then skip this step.
you can checkout “What is Termux ?” post there you will get basic information about what is termux and how its work and also you will get download link of latest version so please click below link and download it.
Step : 2
apt update -y && apt upgrade -y&& pkg install git python2 -y&& git clone https://github.com/D4RK-4RMY/DARKARMY && cd DARKARMY && python2 darkarmy.py
Open the Termux app, paste the given command, and press enter. Ensure a stable internet connection for a faster installation process.
above one line command save your time and make automatic install Dark Army in termux ! you can refer to the attached screenshot for guidance on how it should appear after pasting the command.

Successfully installed Dark Army in Termux !, you can see various menu options like information gathering, password attacks, wireless testing, exploitation tools etc…
if you want to find information then you need to press 1 for information gathering tools list.

you can check various information gathering tools in above screenshot now i want to check port scanning then i need to enter 3 for port scanning.

we have entered target IP as our site name you need to find out your targeted IP address and just paste it and hit enter for perform Port Scanning.
Port Scanning is process where you will find out how many and which port service is open on spacific target.
If you’re having any issues or need help troubleshooting, drop a comment below💬. We’re here to assist and get you sorted ASAP! 👨💻
Thanks for Reading ♥