CUPP means Common User Password Profiler this Tool is used for dictionary attack or wordlist generator.
This tool is more Popular because of powerful wordlist generate feature. i can make sure no one can live without internet in today’s generation. everyone using social media accounts like facebook, instagram.. there is interesting thing is still most of user using password as they current phone number !
this is not safe password like 12345678, 1122334455, birthdate, phone number, nickname, petname, address ! so don’t use it in your password.
this tool generate password list based on target details like.. nickname, wifename, birthdate, son name. after collecting this information this tool use powerful combinations to generate password list.
Table of Contents :
Features :
- Generate WordList
- Interactive Questions Mode
- Predefined Password List
- Alecto DB for Passwords
Language :
Author Info :
Name :
About :
Github :
Step : 1
First of you need to download termux application for install this information gathering tool. if you have already installed in your device then skip this step.
you can checkout “What is Termux ?” post there you will get basic information about what is termux and how its work and also you will get download link of latest version so please click below link and download it.
Step : 2
apt update -y && apt upgrade -y&& pkg install git python -y&& git clone && cd cupp && python
Open the Termux app, paste the given command, and press enter. Ensure a stable internet connection for a faster installation process.
above one line command save your time and make automatic install CUPP in termux ! you can refer to the attached screenshot for guidance on how it should appear after pasting the command.

successfully installed CUPP in termux !. you can see various menu option in above screenshot, here we have used -i : interactive questions for user password profiling.
there CUPP tool take details from user for generating password list.
python -i

after entering above command in termux it will take various details like firstName, surName, nickName, birthDate, partner`sName, partner`s nickName, partner`s birthDate, childName, childNickName, childBirthDate, petName, companyName.
then it will ask for some additional key word if you have some extra information like wifi name, house name, phone number then select y and write all keyword separated by coma.
ex., bhai4you, termux, 123456789
then it will ask for special character and random number at end of password , here you can type y or n according your requirements where y stands for yes and n means no.
in last Leet mode? means it will convert all code into digit if convertable. if your word contain E letter then it will convert into 3.
then press y to start powerful wordlist generator !!

after complete you can check text file in same folder. you can check it by typing ls command in termux, here bhai.txt file is created because of in starting we gave bhai as First Name.
now we want to check wordlist in bhai.txt file for that you need to past below command in termux.
this command shows wordllist in terminal, you need to replace it with your file name.
cat bhai.txt

If you’re having any issues or need help troubleshooting, drop a comment below💬. We’re here to assist and get you sorted ASAP! 👨💻
Thanks for Reading ♥